August 15, 2023
We are thrilled to Welcome Gustav Svenningsson to the Cellfion Team as a Business Developer!
"What we do today will shape our future and I firmly believe Cellfion will make a lasting impact". - Gustav Svenningsson Learn more about Gustav, his background and his vision for the future of sustainable materials below.

Tell us a little bit about your background and what lead you to the position of Business Developer at Cellfion

I recently completed my studies at KTH as an Industrial Technology and Sustainability engineer. I encountered Cellfion when conducting my master's thesis which ultimately led them to be the case owner of the project. My research focused on exploring the applications and competitiveness of redox flow batteries. As I worked on the project, I understood what an amazing team and exciting product they had which prompted me to join Cellfion.

What does the position entail and what do you look forward to most when working at Cellfion?

My position as a Business Developer will entail responsibilities within market development, as well as overseeing production and logistics. With my educational background and previous projects, I am excited about the prospect of operationalizing the findings of my thesis work. The role will in other words include contributing to enhance production processes as well as assisting in market expansion.What I am particularly looking forward to working at Cellfion is the opportunity to help them become a competitor in a blooming market. Also, energy and sustainability are two topics that resonate with my interests, which makes it even more fulfilling to work with a product that is in direct contact with them. I am enthusiastic about the chance to work and be part of a team that shares and is committed to the same cause as myself.

How do you envision yourself growing and developing within the company in the next few years?

As Cellfion has such a diverse team I am hoping to collect a variety of knowledge and expertise from all members. The collaborative nature makes me confident that my skill set and understanding of the product, business and market, will vastly improve, enabling me to more effectively contribute to the company’s goals.  I am therefore excited to become the best version of myself, both as a team member and as an individual.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I play football at a local club in Stockholm. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family whether it is through dinners, adventures or similar activities.

What do you think the future of sustainable materials within energy storage and clean technology looks like?

I believe the future is very promising for any company that pursues goals to reduce climate impact, but those who can or can almost provide net zero emissions will have a competitive advantage. However, I anticipate that the future will not be dominated by a single material but instead a greater need for collaborations between companies will be needed so specific applications can thrive.
I also believe that the true driving force behind a transition towards a greener future lies within sustainable materials themselves, rather than solely in the end products they enable. With that said, the world is in a scary but more importantly, exciting position. What we do today will shape our future and I firmly believe Cellfion will make a lasting impact. Not only by advancing sustainable materials but also inspiring other entities to commit to a sustainable future.

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